Design jobs that don’t exist yet…but will soon

1. Design Anthropologist
Combining anthropology and design futures to envision near to next blended experiences (people and technology) using communal participatory design methods to build working MVP prototypes.
2. Design Thinking Auditor
Systematically auditing the quality of ‘Design Thinking’ operations including stationery compliance, practice and theory knowledge and contributions to the field including new methods and recipes.
3. Experience Platform Architect
Closing the gap between technology and design platforms to reduce green-field production and maximise reuse and interoperability through applying development and creative skills together.
4. Digital Constructivist
Beyond the hybrid design/developer these are the principled, human value architects who can construct the new digital product and service landscape from scratch, junk or class parts.
5. Service Flow Optimiser
Measuring as-is and to-be service flows in order to derive metrics, impact costs as well as identifying flow blocks, accelerators. doldrums to be re-designed and put into service as pre-production proofs for testing.
6. Open Design Facilitator
Helping communities to use the building blocks of old design methods and the new constructivist approach to enable them to be digitally independent and service value creators as well as consumers.
7. Audience Autonomy Protector
Using artificial and human intelligence to the assess risk to humans of any to be launched product or service using an ethical framework that (may) include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and fidelity.
8. Design Data Analyst
Quantitative and qualitative data analysts who can triangulate usage related data with predictive models to measure experience holistically and feed insights into in service optimisation programmes.
9. Experience Artworker 2:0
Integrating existing design and development tools into single intelligent bot platforms that automate production of assets and repetitive task such as ideation and product long lists. Machine learning and personalisation will then be used to generate and deliver endlessly mutating digital experiences.
10. Interface Stylist
Monitoring fashions, fads and trends in seasonal collections and the digital culture to identify critical currents and ideas to apply to experience platforms, touchpoints and flows.